I assume your using BMP for persistence. If so, then you
could implement a  Store Optimization (Dirty Marker) Strategy
which would control which fields get updated.
For CMP, the container should manage this.

For more on this strategy:
(Then search for 'Store Optimization (Dirty Marker) Strategy' on the page)


 -----Original Message-----
From: Viral_Thakkar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 10:12 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Cc: Dhanesh Vasandani
Subject: Design Issue - Unchanged data getting submitted

  Dear all,

  We have a application built using Struts.

  Below is the architecture in brief :

  JSP à Action Class à Business Delegate à Session Façade à Database

  We are not using Action forms. We are using Value Objects (VO) to pass
data between web tier and App tier (from action to EJB via Business


  We have a very big form with many input fields/select fields.

  There are two scenarios

    1.. Insert the record
    This seems fine. We take all the data entered by user on the screen in
action class, create VO and pass it to EJB which inserts into database.

    2.. Update the record
    Here we have a Problem.
    Screen is populated with data retrieved from database. Here user can
update few/all fields. All the fields are under one form. User clicks on
save button. Only one Save button is available on page which submits the
complete page. The problem is that even if user does not update/add any
value and clicks on save button, all the field values (unchanged and
changed, both) will pass till EJB and the whole record in database will get
updated but in reality update require only for changed fields.

    Screen is bit complex with all types of input fields with ADD MORE and
DELETE ROWS kind of functionality also.  Screen can not have more than one
SAVE button.

    Please let us know what to use to solve such kind of performance issues.

  Thanks & Regards,


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