Is it possible to call an Action which pre-populates a form, forwards on
to a JSP page which displays the form values for the user to change, and
then submit back to an Action that will contain the form value?  We're
running into a scenario where we prepopulate the Form in 1 action and
set it onto the Request.  The jsp displays some of the values so that
they may be modified, and then submits back to a second action where the
Form is to be populated.  When the form is submitted to the 2nd Action,
the ActionForm is reinitialized, and ends up throwing an exception in
the BeanUtils.populate method because an object on the form is null.
We've found that the scenario works fine when using Sessions, but runs
into issues when using the request.  

Here's a sample struts config:

                <forward name="continue" path="/actions/MyAction.jsp"/>
                <forward name="continue" path="/actions/MyNextAction"/>

We already have 1 solution (using sessions), but given the fact that
we're going to be working in a load-balanced environment with multiple
Tomcat instances, we are trying to use the session sparingly.

Another solution that I just thought of would be to replicate all the
values of the Form as hidden values on the JSP page so that they would
be repopulated on the submit.  This would be slightly annoying, but is a
viable solution.

My question is, is there another solution that works as clean as
sessions but uses the request?

Jeremy Nix
Senior Application Developer
Southwest Financial Services, LTD.
(513) 621-6699 x1158

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