Never mind... I told you it would be obvious... request.getServletPath(). Argh. WAKE UP FRANK!!


From: "Frank Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to get requested path?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2004 10:41:40 -0400

I've been looking through javadocs for a couple of hours and I haven't found the answer to what seems like a straight-forward question...

Assume I am writing a sublcass of RequestProcessor... how can I, in the processPreprocess() method, get the path that was called? In other words, if I submit a request to http://localhost:8181/wst/myAction.wst, how can I get a String with the value "myAction.wst"? I've checked all the request parameters and attributes and headers, it doesn't seem to be there, and I don't see anywhere that it's available in RequestProcessor, even though it seems like something that would be.

Can anyone point out what I'm suire will wind up being the obvious answer? Thanks all!


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