You can "fake it" and do this... have a hidden <span> in your page that, just before you submit your form, you display. You will probably also want to wrap everything else in your page in a <span> and hide it at the same time. I say this is "faking it" because the browser won't have any idea what's going on on the server, which might be OK.

If you want some sort of progress bar though, something that actually has knowledge of what's going on on the server, what you'll need to do is kick off a thread in your Action, and store some reference to it persistently (i.e., session or a database, etc.). Then, you'll have to have a page on the browser with something like a meta-refresh that calls some special Action that can check the status of that thread, maybe get some sort of percent complete or something like that to display back to the browser.

Obviously, if faking it is good enough, as it usually is in these cases, that's by far the better choice.


From: "Marcelo Epstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Action messages.
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 11:46:44 -0300


I have a Action that takes 10s to execute. Is there any way to display
messages in the browser during execution?


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