
Forgive me if I misintrepreted what you are asking, but I believe what you are wanting to use the Struts "role" attribute on actions for application-managed security.

One way is to put a check on every page as was suggested and is done in the Struts example.

Another way is to provide a custom RequestProcessor -- this is easier than it sounds ...

The "roles" attribute on <action> is processed via the RequestProcessor.processRoles() method. You will want to override this method in a Custom Request Processor -- something like:
public class CustomRequestProcessor extends RequestProcessor {
protected boolean processRoles(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
ActionMapping mapping)
throws IOException, ServletException {

        // Is this action protected by role requirements?
        String roles[] = mapping.getRoleNames();
        if ((roles == null) || (roles.length < 1)) {
          return (true);

        // Check the current user against the list of required roles
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
        User user = (User) session.getAttribute("user");

        if (user == null) {
          return false;

        for (int i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) {
          if (user.hasRole(roles[i])) {
            return (true);

        return (false);

Ralf Bode wrote:
Hi, i have a portal based on struts.
and i have some public action.
(e.g for listing news and so on)
my problem is the protected area.
i have two roles.

both login via ONE Action
(i got their roles via their usernames...)
okay, i saved something in session
and did if(session...) in an action,
before a user (a logged in) could
do some stuff.

it works okay, but only
if the user enters a URL like
(for submitting a form)
i got validation.errors ...
because the execute() of my action is not called...

so i figured out, that i can use ROLES-attribute
for <action>. nice, but this is jaas, isn't it?

now the (for me) interessting point.
can i add a user (or roles) manually in my LogonAction.execute() ?
and when, how?

or how to deal generally?
with two user-roles and ONE-LogonAction.class ?

i also watched tomcat-app, that uses struts/jaas for
authorization, but only with ONE role.

so is there anyone out, how has a tip/solution
for me?

thanks alot!


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