> -----Original Message-----
> I am confused after using struts-el tags. I was previously 
> using standard struts tags with jstl tags as needed. After I 
> switched to use struts-el, some of tags are no more working. 
> for example, readonly="true" attribute in html:text tag is 
> not working in struts-el tags. It is saying that Error: No 
> match was found for method "setReadonly(java.lang.String)".  
> It seems "true" becomes a string instead of boolean type in 
> html:text tag (el).

I don't believe this should happen.  I have a feeling something is wrong
with your environment.  If you're getting that exception on the
html-el:text tag, then either it's not connecting to the correct TLD
file, or it's not finding the "BeanInfo" class associated with the EL
tag class.

Do you have a valid "taglib" directive in your JSP?  Do you have both
the struts.jar and strutsel.jar in your WEB-INF/lib, and there are no
other instances of those jars in your classpath?  What container are you

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