Thank you for the corrects, yes after you point it out it seems I did read something very incorrectly. I appreciate you suggestion at the bottom of the message, I will look into this.


Carl-Eric Menzel wrote:

I was reading in the Hibernate forums that when you have a WebApp > DAO
Hibernate > DB design, and you open/close each Hibernate session at
every single DAO method call (what I do now) its actually quite

This is fairly expensive, but not that much. The *SessionFactory* is expensive, a single Session isn't that bad.

and is suggested that you attempt to maintain a Hibernate
Session in conjunction with a user Session to increase performance.

You have definitely misread something. This is not officially recommended anywhere.

I had a question for anyone that has done this (without using
SpringFramework). My gut-reaction to this was to add a
HttpSessionListener to my webapp that created and stored a Hibernate
session in the user's session, and then close it when the Session
expired... will this not work? Anyone else have a good solution for

No, this is not going to work. A Session is similar in its scope to a transaction - it is what the Hibernate developers call an "Application Transaction", i.e. a unit of work from the application's point of work, that may span several database transactions, but should NOT be kept open during user think-time, i.e. across requests. The biggest problem with this is that you would keep a db connection open with this as well. If you use the disconnect()/reconnect() methods, you wouldn't have the open connection, but since the Session is also a local cache you would very quickly see stale data.

The best way to do it, IMO, is to use for example a request filter and
generate a fresh Session when the request begins, and close it at the
end of the request. That way you always have fresh data and don't
unnecessarily keep open connections.


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