
I have problem with parameter tilesUtilImplClassname defined in struts-config (tiles plug-in definition).
I thought that tag <tiles:insert/> uses this feature but it isn't.

I found in source code that org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag has that implementation:
protected void doInclude(String page) throws ServletException, IOException {
TilesUtil.doInclude( page, pageContext );

And this is probably problem because there are two functions doInclude in org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtil:
public static void doInclude(String uri, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext servletContext) throws IOException, ServletException {
tilesUtilImpl.doInclude(uri, request, response, servletContext);
public static void doInclude(String uri, PageContext pageContext) throws IOException, ServletException {
TilesUtilImpl.doInclude(uri, pageContext);

First function uses tilesUtilImplClass and second doesn't.

The possible solution is making own implementation of insert tag <tiles:insert>
wich overrides doInclude method, but I would rather to use standard tags.

I would be grateful if somobedy help me with this matter.

Best regards,

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