Dear Global Struts Users

I am writing to you all in order to report that we had a sucessful 
first meeting in London, last night.

        Monday 7th June 2004 19:15 GMT @ Waxy O'Connor (Irish Pub) 
        in central London, the West End.

The following person were in attendance:

        Peter Pilgrim / CSFB / Contractor
        Tim Penhey / Bar Cap / Contractor
        Niall Pemberton / 
        Christopher Marsh-Bourdon / Pyplia
        Charles Cordingley / RBS

(Mike Raath could not make it over at the last minute)

The discussions were on Struts and other technologies.

      (*) Struts Validator
      (*) Postgres database backup using a web container
      (*) Tiles
      (*) Eclipse
      (*) My Eclipse
      (*) JBuilder X
      (*) JDeveloper
      (*) Professional working life
      (*) Recruitment agents
      (*) Recruitment agent software ( I mention no names)
      (*) Struts Committer status
      (*) State of art in Struts developer
      (*) JSF
      (*) My SQL
      (*) Australian Snake-bite drink. (I tried one.)
      (*) The rest I can't remember.

In all I think we all had a good jolly time. It was certainly
worthwhile putting faces to electronic mail addresses.

The next meeting / network opportunity probably is in mid-July
after my trip to Java One and further spanish horizons. My calendar
is free after or on Monday 19th July 2004. 

( Andrew Hill is coming over to UK towards the end of July. 
Andrew, please let me know your preferred dates. If there is 
another interest we can do it again :-)

If there's anyone else interested in London, England, UK please 
contact me off-list. Also if you want to suggest locations
that's pretty cool as well.

PS: There is exactly a £5.80p in the treasury "kitty" for the next 

Finally, here is a great UK government site 

Thanks for your time.
Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)207 883 4447

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