I know how to create a drop-down menu; for example:

 ArrayList sort = new ArrayList();
 sort.add(new LabelValueBean("Last Post 
                     Date", "thread_last_post_date"));
 sort.add(new LabelValueBean("First Post 
                     Date", "thread_creation_date"));
 sort.add(new LabelValueBean("Sender 
                     Name", "message_sender"));
 sort.add(new LabelValueBean
 sort.add(new LabelValueBean
                    ("Views", "thread_view_count"));

 ArrayList order = new ArrayList();
 order.add(new LabelValueBean("Descending", "DESC"));
 order.add(new LabelValueBean("Ascending", "ASC"));

 ProcessResult results = new ProcessResultBase
 return results;

I also know how to display drop-down lists.

I have to put those two drop-down menus in a form
(sortForm) so that I can have <html:form
action=......> with a submit button to perform an
action with users' selections.

How do I create such a form?

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