Hello, I am just doing a landing in Struts, reading documentation and online articles, and trying to get the big picture. I have some background in web development and I know the MVC paradigm in web programming.

I see actions related normally to forms in what I read. Do actions serve requests that come from links as well in the standard way to organise the flow?

From a formal point of view there's not much difference between forms a links with parameters, but I want to ensure I am right thinking about actions as what serve any content request normally:

    `-> Controller
        `-> Action (chosen by the controller based on config)
            `-> View (chosen by the action or exception handler)

no matter whether the request is a login form or a link to go to the page of details of a product coming from the home of a product category.

Another question: Let's suppose now we are developing a bookstore, and let's suppose the user asks the application to perform a search for "Struts".

The response will list the results of the query, but in addition we want to display a category tree in the left column, which is showed almost in every page indeed. Do you put the calls to get that tree in the "search" action and pass it to the view? That implies almost each action has to make that call because almost every page has the tree. Or do you organise this stuff using some other technique?

-- fxn

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