> <%-- Nested tag way Notice how much less to write out--%>
> <nested:iterate property="divisions">
>      Division: <nested:text property="name" /><br>
>          <nested:iterate property="departments">
>          --- Department: <nested:text property="name" /><br>
>          </nested:iterate>
> </nested:iterate>

Thanks for the code snippet Rick. It helped trim down a lot of code.

Whenever I would try and submit the form I was getting
BeanUtil.populate errors. I tracked down this email from November 2002:

> if I set the action scope="request" I get:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate
> ...
> Caused by: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 2, Size: 0
> or
> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
> make sure you don't have scope="request" in your <action ...

Do you _have_ to put forms that use nested beans in session scope?
Using your example, my getters/setters would look something like:

public void setDivisions(Divisions[] divisions) {
this.divisions = divisions;

public Divisionsa[] getDivisions() {
return this.divisions;

On my action, having scope="request" would cause problems. Changing
that to scope="session" solved the problem.

Do you know of a way I can avoid storing the ActionForm in the session?
I've caught a few references to Common's LazyList (page was formatted
correctly in Google cache under Mozilla 1.7 but not when the original
url was clicked on):


Should I declare this.divisions to be some sort of List or LazyList
instead of Divisions[]?

Is any of this making sense?


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