Here is e that maps a PL/SQL package. More examples can be found in the Jpublisher 
documentation (see or or the documentation cd 
that ships with Oracle RDBMS).

Bye, bye, Fabio.

/*********************** CODE START ****************************/

PROTECTED]:1^1*/package it.ggs.iris.modello.jpub;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext;
import sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext;
import java.sql.Connection;

public class DALVoceDAO

  /* connection management */
  protected DefaultContext __tx = null;
  protected Connection __onn = null;
  public void setConnectionContext(DefaultContext ctx) throws SQLException
  { release(); __tx = ctx; }
  public DefaultContext getConnectionContext() throws SQLException
  { if (__tx==null)
    { __tx = (__onn==null) ? DefaultContext.getDefaultContext() : new 
DefaultContext(__onn); }
    return __tx;
  public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException
  { return (__onn==null) ? ((__tx==null) ? null : __tx.getConnection()) : __onn; }
  public void release() throws SQLException
  { if (__tx!=null && __onn!=null) __tx.close(ConnectionContext.KEEP_CONNECTION);
    __onn = null; __tx = null;

  /* constructors */
  public DALVoceDAO() throws SQLException
  { __tx = DefaultContext.getDefaultContext();
  public DALVoceDAO(DefaultContext c) throws SQLException
  { __tx = c; }
  public DALVoceDAO(Connection c) throws SQLException
  {__onn = c; __tx = new DefaultContext(c); }

  public DALVoci leggere (
    DSZChiaveSezione chiaveSezione[])
  throws SQLException
    DALVoci __jPt_result;
    /[EMAIL PROTECTED]:generated-code*//[EMAIL PROTECTED]:43^5*/

//  ************************************************************
//  #sql [getConnectionContext()] __jPt_result = { VALUES(IRIS.DALK_VOCE.LEGGERE(
//        :chiaveSezione[0]))  };
//  ************************************************************

  // declare temps
  oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement __sJT_st = null;
  sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext __sJT_cc = getConnectionContext(); if 
(__sJT_cc==null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_CONN_CTX();
  sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext.OracleContext __sJT_ec = 
((__sJT_cc.getExecutionContext()==null) ? 
sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext.raiseNullExecCtx() : 
  try {
   __sJT_st = 
__sJT_ec.prepareOracleCall(__sJT_cc,"0it.ggs.iris.modello.jpub.DALVoceDAO","BEGIN :1 
:= IRIS.DALK_VOCE.LEGGERE(\n       :2 )  \n; END;");
   if (__sJT_ec.isNew())
   // set IN parameters
   if (chiaveSezione[0]==null) __sJT_st.setNull(2,2002,"IRIS.DSZO_CHIAVE_SEZIONE"); 
else __sJT_st.setORAData(2,chiaveSezione[0]);
   // execute statement
   // retrieve OUT parameters
   __jPt_result = 
   chiaveSezione[0] = 
  } finally { __sJT_ec.oracleClose(); }

//  ************************************************************

/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:user-code*//[EMAIL PROTECTED]:44^35*/
    return __jPt_result;

  public void aggiornare (
    DSZChiaveSezione chiaveSezione[],
    DALVoci voci[])
  throws SQLException
    /[EMAIL PROTECTED]:generated-code*//[EMAIL PROTECTED]:53^5*/

//  ************************************************************
//  #sql [getConnectionContext()] { CALL IRIS.DALK_VOCE.AGGIORNARE(
//        :chiaveSezione[0],
//        :voci[0])  };
//  ************************************************************

  // declare temps
  oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement __sJT_st = null;
  sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext __sJT_cc = getConnectionContext(); if 
(__sJT_cc==null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_CONN_CTX();
  sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext.OracleContext __sJT_ec = 
((__sJT_cc.getExecutionContext()==null) ? 
sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext.raiseNullExecCtx() : 
  try {
   __sJT_st = 
IRIS.DALK_VOCE.AGGIORNARE(\n       :1 ,\n       :2 ) \n; END;");
   if (__sJT_ec.isNew())
   // set IN parameters
   if (chiaveSezione[0]==null) __sJT_st.setNull(1,2002,"IRIS.DSZO_CHIAVE_SEZIONE"); 
else __sJT_st.setORAData(1,chiaveSezione[0]);
   if (voci[0]==null) __sJT_st.setNull(2,2003,"IRIS.DALO_VOCI"); else 
   // execute statement
   // retrieve OUT parameters
   chiaveSezione[0] = 
   voci[0] = 
  } finally { __sJT_ec.oracleClose(); }

//  ************************************************************

/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:user-code*//[EMAIL PROTECTED]:55^25*/
}/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:generated-code*/

/*********************** CODE END ****************************/

> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Inviato: mercoledì 30 giugno 2004 04:28
> A: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Oggetto: RE: Struts and PL/SQL
> I would be interested in seeing what one of these generated 
> Java classes
> look like internally?  Care to post an example?
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Grassi Fabio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 5:31 AM
> To: Lucas Gonzalez; Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: R: Struts and PL/SQL
> Hi, in my application all DB access goes through PL/SQL 
> stored procedures. I
> use Oracle JPublisher to generate the Java classes that map 
> PL/SQL packages.
> It works fine enough.
> Bye, Fabio.
> > -----Messaggio originale-----
> > Da: Lucas Gonzalez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Inviato: mercoledì 23 giugno 2004 20:07
> > A: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Oggetto: Struts and PL/SQL
> > 
> > 
> > Hi all!
> > 
> > I´ve been using Struts a lot with EJB and Hibernate with no 
> problems.
> > 
> > But I always wondered if it´s possible to use an architecture
> > that uses
> > STRUTS and goes directly to PL/SQL for the database layer. I 
> > know it is
> > possible in many way, but I would like to know if there is 
> any special
> > product or package that integrates with PL ( the only one I found is
> >
> ps&_schema=OPSTUDIO ) ... any pointers?
> Thanks a lot
> Lucas
> Ai sensi del D.Lgs. 196/2003 si precisa che le informazioni 
> contenute in
> questo messaggio sono riservate ed a uso esclusivo del 
> destinatario. Qualora
> il messaggio in parola Le fosse pervenuto per errore, La invitiamo ad
> eliminarlo senza copiarlo e a non inoltrarlo a terzi, 
> dandocene gentilmente
> comunicazione. Grazie.<BR><BR>Pursuant to Legislative Decree 
> No. 196/2003,
> you are hereby informed that this message contains 
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> intended only for the use of the addressee. If you are not 
> the addressee,
> and have received this message by mistake, please delete it 
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> notify us. You may not copy or disseminate this message to 
> anyone. Thank
> you.
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