All you need is ANT -

either use it standalone outside eclipse OR
use it as plugin wihtin eclipse.

navjot singh

Mike Duffy wrote:

Speaking of "gratuitously difficult".....

Has anyone ever messed with the "deploytool" in J2EE?


I just want to deploy a simple war file.  I googled around and I could not even find 
documentation (Sun or elsewhere).

Does anyone know of a good plugin for Eclipse that creates war files?  I guess 
JBuilder has a good
war file creation utility.

Basically, shouldn't I be able to jar up everything in a webapp directory as long as I 
add the
correct "deployment descripter"?  I could not find an example of doing this.

Also, is it possible to create a war file that has a "context.xml" file?

I hate wasting time on stuff that should be simple.


--- Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bryan Hunt wrote:

I think someone in sun just wanted to create something fancy regardless of
what the customers wanted just so he/she could put it on their cv.

Anyone who thinks this is the real reason hasn't read the technology export restriction regulations that apply to US companies. The restrictions apply to the geographic location of the downloader, and don't have anything to do with sessions or trying to make it more gratuitously difficult to use command line tools.

Craig McClanahan

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-- regards Navjot Singh

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