
Your code: (just as you typed it) seems fine except for the spaces in
'... items = ${...'.

<c:forEach items = "${masterList}" var="masterKey">
<c:out value="${firstMap[masterKey]}" />

I use JSTL code in my project that does exactly what you are trying to
do and it works fine. I suggest doing the following:
1. Do you really have spaces before and after the '=' sign in 'items =
'? If so try removing them.
2. Put a <c:out value="${masterKey}" /> in the loop just to make sure
you are getting those strings in the array.

Hope this helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: Denis Avdic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 8:56 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: JSTL Map Accessors


I have a problem that I can't seem to get around.

I have a number of maps in my request, all keyed by same sequence of
keys that are contained within an ArrayList in that same request.
My question is how do I get to the values in those maps?

I've tried variations on:

<c:forEach items = "${masterList}" var="masterKey">
<c:out value="${firstMap[masterKey]}" />
but that obviously looks for entries keyed to "masterKey" and not the
contained in the masterKey variable.

How would I evaluate masterKey before firstMap[] is evaluated?  Is that
possible?  What are my alternatives?

Thanks a lot,


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