Ok, tearing my hair out right now and extremely confused.

If you look at the Java Technology Forums you will see a rather nice little pattern that
someone called evnafets has created, it allows you to use a single Constants class
both in your Actions and in your JSP pages ...

It uses reflection to add it's static final members to a map which can then be accessed by JSTL like so
<c:out value="${Constants.FOR_RENTAL_PROPERTIES_SELECTION}"/>

The address is http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jsp?forum=45&thread=508847&message=2415101 <http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jsp?forum=45&thread=508847&message=2415101>

This works with a lot of stuff but the jstl and struts tags seem to be a little inconsistent in their behaviors.

For example this works ...

<html:select property="propertyTypes" multiple="true">
<html-el:optionsCollection name="${Constants.PROPERTY_TYPES_SET}" value="id" label="name"/>

But for some reason ( my stupidity and the time of the evening ) I cannot get this to work.
<c:set var="emailNotifications" value="${scope['Constants.EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS']"></c:set>
<c:out value="${emailNotifications.priceRangeStart}"/>

or like this

<c:set var="emailNotifications" value="${scope[${Constants.EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS}]"></c:set>
<c:out value="${emailNotifications.priceRangeStart}"/>

I'm starting to feel like I'm back in my Perl days again .... Is there a way that I can dereference these
beans or do I have to use sloppy string literals in my jstl code ?

Any suggestions or am I just stupid to want to do this ?


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