Hi Vinuta -- I noticed this is the second time you have posted this question. Usually if you don't get a response from the mailing list it indicates that you need to supply more information about your problem. Speaking for myself, I usually ignore posts that are unclear to me ... its not that I am rude -- I am simply don't have the time to respond to every post.

Okay, enough for the netiquette lecture :)

My first question is why are you trying to do this? There are times when you may need to dynamically change the action URL but it is typically the exception not the rule.

That being said, you can use a runtime expression to set the value for the action attribute -- so you should be able to do something like:

<bean:define id="myForm" name="MyForm"/>
<nested:form action="<%= ((MyForm) myForm).getUrl() %>">

This reeks of ugliness, however, so I would avoid it if possible.

Vinuta Nagaraddi wrote:

I am trying to set the action attribute for the nested:form tag
dynamically. I want to achieve this by using a property called 'url'
from the form (or maybe someone can suggest a better way). I was
unsuccessful using the nested:write tag. Any help would be appreciated.

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