The Struts team announces the release of Struts 1.2.1, currently ranked at Beta 

This release removes many features deprecated in prior releases (Struts 1.1 and Struts 
1.0.2) and also provides several new features. Fixes to known problems have been 
applied. More detail is available at


The binary, source, and library distributions are available at


The library distribution contains only the requisite JARs, without the documentation 
or example applications.

We invite your comments on how well this release works with your own applications. 
Based on feedback from the Struts community, this release may be dubbed "ready for 
prime time" and promoted to "General Availabilty" quality.

Please note that Struts now uses "Tomcat-style" releases. If the feedback on this 
release were positive, Struts 1.2.1 may be promoted directly to "GA", without creating 
yet-another distribution. If a serious problem were found and fixed, then we will 
issue Struts 1.2.2 and try again.


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