
I am trying to implement antonio lagnada's  html buttons 'pattern'
(http://j2ee.lagnada.com/struts/html-buttons.htm) with DynaValidatorForms
however I am have problems in the Action form when I try to interrogate
the getters to find which button has been pressed.

I am fairly new to struts so I may have interpreted how to implement this
'pattern' with DynaValidatorForms incorrectly, and would really appreciate
some direction.

here is where my problem lies ... I have my action 'AddTrainer' as follows

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
                             ActionForm     form,
                             HttpServletRequest request,
                             HttpServletResponse response){

  ActionForward forward = mapping.getInputForward(); AddTrainerForm
  addTrainerForm = (AddTrainerForm) form;

  String foo = (String)addTrainerForm.get("buttons.submit.name");
At this point it stack dumps because property buttons.submit.name doesn't
exist. I have toyed with the idea of creating it as a form-property but I
don't think that this is right.

I understand that when submit is pressed 
<html:submit property="buttons.submit.name">Submit</html:submit>

It will carry out a getButtons().getSubmit().setName("Submit")

But how do I interrogate that setter when I am using dynamic forms?

Here is the other bits of pertiment code ...

  <form-bean name="addTrainerForm"
    <form-property name="tnrId" type="java.lang.String"/> <form-property
    name="tnrFirstname" type="java.lang.String"/> <form-property
    name="tnrSurname" type="java.lang.String"/>
<action path="/addTrainer"
  type="com.struts.addtrainer.AddTrainer"> <forward
  name="addtrainer.cancel" path="/app/homePageSetup"/> <forward
  name="addtrainer.success" path="/app/trainerDetailSetup"/>

Created HtmlButton class as per example in url metioned above

Created AddTrainerButtons as per example in url mentioned above

Modified my AddTrainerForm as follows ...

public class AddTrainerForm extends DynaValidatorForm
 private AddTrainerButtons m_buttons = null;
 public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request)
        ActionServlet servlet = super.getServlet(); m_buttons = new
 public AddTrainerButtons getButtons() {
  return m_buttons;
 public void setButtons(AddTrainerButtons buttons) {
  m_buttons = buttons;

thanks to anybody and everybody who may be able to help my understanding
of this!

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