finally solved it.

When you have the following DTD definition in your validation.xml file
<!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
         "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules
Configuration 1.0//EN"
It breaks.

When you have the following DTD definition in your validation.xml file *
<!DOCTYPE form-validation SYSTEM
*It works

When you have the following DTD definition in your validation.xml file
<!DOCTYPE form-validation SYSTEM
It works.


Bryan Hunt wrote:

Ok , dunno who to report this to but this validator stuff needs to be looked at before this
is released to the public cause it's a bit of a mess.

Just noticed that the version of validator-rules that is distributed is for the validator_1_1.dtd version.

I think somebody needs to take a little look at this. It doesn't seem to know whether to do
1.1 or 1.2 stuff. Some of the behaviour is from one and some from the other.


Bryan Hunt wrote:

Thank you Bill, your answer was correct. I've found that commons-validator as distibuted with the latest
1.2.1 version of struts doesn't include the
file. So despite my specifying the DTD like so

<!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules Configuration 1.0//EN"

I've copied the following files over to my libs dir.

08/07/2004  09:26              358,273 antlr.jar
08/07/2004  09:26              118,726 commons-beanutils.jar
08/07/2004  09:26              165,119 commons-collections.jar
08/07/2004  09:26              109,096 commons-digester.jar
08/07/2004  09:26               22,379 commons-fileupload.jar
08/07/2004  09:26               38,015 commons-logging.jar
08/07/2004  09:26               84,260 commons-validator.jar
08/07/2004  09:26               65,425 jakarta-oro.jar
08/07/2004  09:26              520,842 struts.jar

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