Bryan's recommendation of Spring and Quartz sounds good though I have not had a chance to work with these yet. If you want to "roll your own" I suggest you look at the java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask objects -- they work well for these type of services. See http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/TimerTask.html.

Jan Behrens wrote:

Hi list,

I am coding an app where I rely on a background service to check regularly
for new mail. I want to instantiate my service component (the one checking
for mail) when the context is loaded and have it running in a background
thread. I have done only very limited coding with threads so far :(

What I plan to do is to create a controller servlet that is loaded on
startup and that creates instances of all my services. All services extend
Thread and are started by invoking the run() method when the controller
servlet starts. Would that work? How would I then set the intervall on which
my mail service checks for new mail? Could this be done using

I wonder whether anyone has tips on this for a newbie or if there is such a
thing as a best practice on this.

TIA, Jan

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