sl_getGroups is being called.  i printed out alerts when i was writing
it.  and i have Sys.outs in the action.  besides, my JSP wouldn't show
up if it wasn't :)

the javascript is fairly simple:  (i know there is a more Strutsy way
to do this, i'm getting there...)

function sl_getGroups(frm) {
if (frm.selectedShoppingList.options[frm.selectedShoppingList.selectedIndex].value
!= "-1") {
= "-1";
  frm.action += "?step=getGroups";

the javascript just checks to see that the selectedShoppingList is not
"-1", the initial value.  it then appends my step parameter to the
action.  this is working.  what is funny is that the javascript
recognizes that the selectedShoppingList is not "-1", but the form
doesn't pick that up...

any suggestions?


On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 14:36:14 -0400, Bill Siggelkow
> Hmmm ... looks pretty darn hairy. You didn't show the JavaScript thats
> called by the onchange --  I would verify first that "getGroups" is
> being called.
> Andrew Close wrote:
> > alrighty,  i've got this half figured out.  i can populate my
> > dropdowns, but my form doesn't seem to be scrapping the values back
> > off the page.
> > i have an action that gets a collection of beans and puts them in
> > session for the JSP to use.  the JSP renders and displays those
> > objects correctly in the dropdowns.  when the first dropdown is
> > changed an onchange event fires off the previous action to populate
> > the second dropdown.  however, the selected value in the first
> > dropdown doesn't show up in my Action or the Form.
> >
> > here's part of the JSP:
> >
> > <td align="left">
> >  <html:select name="shoppingListForm" property="selectedShoppingList"
> > onchange="sl_getGroups(this.form);" >
> >   <html:option value="-1" >- Please Select A List -</html:option>
> >   <html:optionsCollection name="lists" />
> >  </html:select>
> >  <br>
> >  <html:select name="shoppingListForm"
> > property="selectedShoppingListGroup"
> > onchange="sl_getItems(this.form);" >
> >   <logic:match name="selectedShoppingList" value="-1">
> >    <html:option value="-1" >- Please Select A List -</html:option>
> >   </logic:match>
> >   <logic:notMatch name="selectedShoppingList" value="-1">
> >    <html:option value="-1" >- Please Select A Group -</html:option>
> >    <html:option value="0" >- All Groups -</html:option>
> >    <html:optionsCollection name="groups" />
> >   </logic:notMatch>
> >  </html:select>
> > </td>
> >
> > and i have an ActionForm created named shoppingListForm containing two
> > Strings: selectedShoppingList and selectedShoppingListGroup with
> > initial values set at "-1".  ShoppingListForm contains basic getters
> > and setters for these attributes.
> >
> > so i'm guessing my problem lies within my Action.  i'm extending
> > DispatchAction and the getGroups method forwards to the above JSP on
> > "success".
> >
> > public ActionForward getGroups (
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > try {
> >     HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
> >     ShoppingListForm slForm = (ShoppingListForm)form;
> >
> >     if (slForm == null) {
> >         session.setAttribute("selectedShoppingList", "-1");
> >         session.setAttribute("selectedShoppingListGroup", "-1");
> >     } else {
> >         session.setAttribute("selectedShoppingList",
> > slForm.getSelectedShoppingList());
> >         session.setAttribute("selectedShoppingListGroup",
> > slForm.getSelectedShoppingListGroup());
> >
> >         System.out.println("\n\nShopping List Form...");
> >         System.out.println("Shopping List: " +
> > slForm.getSelectedShoppingList());
> >         System.out.println("Shopping List Group: " +
> > slForm.getSelectedShoppingListGroup() + "\n\n\n");
> >     }
> >
> > ... go on to populate collection for lists, etc...
> >
> > the first time through the form will be null because this action is
> > called from another page.  the action populates 'lists' and forwards
> > to the above JSP.  onchange in the JSP calls this same action and
> > should pass it my ShoppingListForm, in which should be found the value
> > to selectedShoppingList.  however this value remains "-1".
> > on success the same JSP is displayed...
> >
> > here is the action-mapping for this particular action:
> >
> > <action path="/refresh"
> >  parameter="step"
> >  type="sl.controllers.SLMainAction"
> >  name="shoppingListForm"
> >  validate="true">
> >   <forward name="success" path="/jsp/SLMain.jsp" />
> >   <forward name="failure" path="/jsp/SLError.jsp" />
> > </action>
> >
> > thanks for any help
> > andy

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