Erik Weber wrote:

Dang I thought I was onto something! I guess I'll stick to my "User" object in each session, and just try to make sure I centralize the auth checks as much as I can. Dunno why I ever wanted to change it, anyway.

Thanks Craig for your time.

I also sent your question on to a co-worker and he had this to say...

Craig if you have any comments regarding below I'd be interested in forwarding on to my co-worker here as well. Thanks.


This very topic has given me plenty of headaches.  Only by diving into the
Tomcat code did I start to figure out what was going on.

The issue is that the login must happen in two places since both JBoss and
Tomcat security were designed to work standalone.  JBoss accomplished the
integration of the two by hacking Tomcat to use JBossSX as a security realm
while allowing Tomcat to continue collecting its own login credentials.

When you performed your JAAS login within your action, you only authenticated
yourself with JBoss.  Since doing so bypassed the aformentioned hack, Tomcat
never authenticated and the user principal was never applied to the session.

I had a very similar issue not too long ago and when I finally figured out how
JBoss/Tomcat integrated, my brain started spinning trying to figure out how
to do a more intelligent form login through the JBoss/Tomcat stack.
Fortunately form authentication wasn't a requirement for the immediate
problem so I didn't put too many cycles on that problem.

The moral of the story is that you can't bypass j_security_check without
cutting Tomcat out of the authentication loop.  You can't proxy
j_security_check either.  I tried some VERY creative hacks that way and none
of them worked.  Tomcat was designed specifically to not allow it.  Too many
potential exploits there.

There is a possible solution if you're willing to apply a little elbow grease
and bend the JAAS spec a little.  Download the Tomcat source and take a look
at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.BasicAuthenticator.  That's a good
reference for how Tomcat authentication works.

Now take a look at the FormAuthenticator in the same package.  This one is a
bit more complex in that it saves the initial request so that it can replay
it once authentication is complete.

It is conceivable that you can write a StrutsFormAuthenticator that forwards
to the ActionServlet to collect the credentials.  Once you have your new
authenticator, you can register it by adding it to
org/apache/catalina/startup/ with a key like
"STRUTS".  Now go back to your web.xml and replace "FORM" with "STRUTS" and
next time Tomcat deploys your war it should load up with your custom

Be aware that JBossWeb has its own shadows of Tomcat authenticators (the
aformentioned hacks).  Instead of extending Tomcat classes directly, you must
extend these and you must patch the
org/jboss/web/tomcat/tc4/ file in
deploy/jbossweb-tomcat41.sar/tomcat41-service.jar with your "STRUTS"

Good luck!

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