Well if you are using NS 6+, it still supports the div versions also. NS4+ have the 
layers requirement. 
I'm not sure I got the entire context but, we had a problem to prevent a user from 
resubmitting a form twice (Yes I know tokens could do, but), we wanted a JS to it for 
us. So we used the fact that if return false on the onClick event of a href the 
browser would not follow the link. So we called a function onClick of the href which 
would set a flag and return true the first time but return false subsequent times. I'm 
not sure this is what you wan't but seems similar. 

        However opening another window is another case. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Shailender Jain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 10:04 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Intermediate loading page

Hi Puneet,

I am really in needs of such a type of javascript code.
This code should work both on IE and netscape.

I know i need to use the <DIV> and <LAYER> tag.
Any indicator for such a  type of code will be really helpfull.

Shailender Jain


> But if you change your approach of showing "work in process" label,
> while the report is being generated, to this one, both your problems
> get solved.
> "write some javascript that will show a layer which is opaque in the
> browser, and let that layer show some text like 'processing...' in
> blinking mode. invoke this function onSubmit event of your screen. The
> report gets fired at the server side and when it gets generated it
> send response to the browser"
> the advantages of this approach are
> 1.        You avoid one network round trip ( which is a primary focus
> for architects of remotely accessible applications, that have high
> network latency)
> 2.        There is no flag at the server side therefore half complete
> reports get completed and those are not sent anywhere and does not
> cause any problem.
> do u think it can work for u ?
> Regards,
> Puneet Agarwal
> Tata Consultancy Services
> Website: http://www.tcs.com
> "Jim Barrows"
                                        "Struts Users Mailing List"
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                To <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  07/23/2004 05:03 AM                cc
      Please respond to         Subject RE: Intermediate loading page
    "Struts Users Mailing

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Rizwan Merchant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 4:23 PM
> > To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> > Subject: RE: Intermediate loading page
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks for the previous input. I moved the report generation
> > to a thread and
> > set a session variable which is a boolean indicating that a report
> is
> > currently being generated. Once the report generation is complete
> that
> > session variable is set to false again.
> > I have come across another problem though. Say a user starts
> > generating a
> > report. The boolean session variable is set to true. If the
> > user tries to
> > generate another report while the fist oneis not complete,
> > then the boolean
> > variable is checked and the user is not allowed to generate
> > another report
> > (until the first one is complete and the boolean session
> > variable is set to
> > false).
> >
> > In this scenario, if the user abruptly closes the
> > intermediate page which is
> > supposed to load the report , then the session variable is
> > still set to true
> > (indicating report is being generated) as the thread on the
> > server has not
> > finished running. If the user now tries to create another
> > report then s/he
> > will not be allowed to do so (until the thread on the server is done
> > running).
> >
> > So I guess my question is : Is there any way to set a session
> > variable when
> > the user closes a browser window abruptly?
> > Or is there another way to approach this problem?
> Yes and no.  Since the browser sends no closing informaiton to the
> server, there isn't much you can do... however using
> HttpSessionListener, you can know when the session is destroyed, in
> the case of the user wandering away, this would be a session
> timeout... you can use the event to get some information from the
> session, but not necessarily the exact cause of the session
> destruction.
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