
:)  i'm a step ahead of you.  my values do show up in the client side
html before submitting the form.  and they show up in alert statements
upon submission.  that is what is so puzzling.  i'm seeing the data,
but when i set breakpoints in my actionform set methods, two of them
aren't being called...


On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 11:18:08 -0500, Robert Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andy,
> I don't have an answer but what I would try first is examining those
> values on the client.
> First do a view source on your generated HTML and make sure your values
> are there.
> Next in your Javascript after you've set any values but before you
> submit your form (which should be last anyway) use an "alert" command
> (Example: alert("my value = " + form.field.value); ).
> Hope this helps.
> Robert
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/28/2004 11:09:37 AM >>>
> hi Robert,
> yes i've tried using javascript, but i must be doing something wrong.
> i've tried two approaches.  1) i was calling a javascript function
> that set the action for me and then submited the form.  but the values
> inside my hidden fields weren't getting picked up.  2) Wendy gave me a
> slightly different approach to try by calling the function and setting
> the values of the hidden fields and then submitting.  however, two of
> the hidden fields are set upon arrival to the page by my action form.
> but they are not being picked up when i leave.
> all of this works flawlessly when using a submit button. :)
> andy
> On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 10:58:44 -0500, Robert Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Andy,
> > Sorry, I haven't been following your situation closely.
> > Have you looked into using Javascript to have the link trigger form
> > submission?
> >
> > An example of what I am talking about can be found here:
> >
> >
> > Robert
> >
> > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/28/2004 10:20:01 AM >>>
> >
> >
> >
> > hi all,
> >
> > i'm still struggling with form submission.  i would prefer to use
> > links on the page to submit my form instead of a 'submit button'.
> but
> > i'm unable to get the correct functionality to work.  when
> submitting
> > with the submit button all my hidden fields are slurped up and
> > populated on the next page correctly.  however, when using
> <html:link>
> > i'm only able to get one of the values from my hidden fields slurped
> > up.  the others remain blank...
> > using the debugger in my action form i only see one of the three set
> > methods getting called even though all three hidden fields are
> inside
> > the form and are populated.  i am using the <html:hidden> field. ;)
> > any thoughts?  i'm sure there are others that use links on forms
> > instead of buttons.  what are you doing?
> >
> > thanks
> > andy
> >
> >
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