We have released the version 0.5 of Providers.
Providers is a Struts extension that allows you to manipulate select
options easily.
This new version comes with some enhancements in ComboSelectTag (a tag
to create dependant drop down lists) allowing you to set in each select
a provider (in the previous version you need to create a matrix, and now
this is no longer needed).
You can download providers from
=106580&release_id=259054> &package_id=106580&release_id=259054
And can get some documentation or information (examples included) at
Check out the ComboSelect example at
http://providers.sourceforge.net/examples.html to see how you can create
dependant drop down lists just defining some providers that collects
data from your database.
If you need more information please contact us or use the providers
sf.net forums.

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