Hai all

am using l Tomcat5, MySql, Struts 1.1 Linux.

i had written a web applicaiton in tomcat with the support given above.

i tested my site theroughly. its really working fine. but after a day or so, when i try to login first time its not letting me to my home page.

i think after a concesting access to DB  the connection is freezes.

below are th full diagnosis of my tomcat and db.

in my DBCP i have given.

 <data-source type="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
          <set-property property="driverClassName"
          <set-property property="url"
                        value="jdbc:mysql://ip address/contextname"/>
          <set-property property="username"
          <set-property property="password"
          <set-property property="removeAbandoned"
          <set-property property="removeAbandonedTimeout"
my Server status is

Server Status

List Applications </manager/html/list> HTML Manager Help </manager/html-manager-howto.html> Manager Help </manager/manager-howto.html> Complete Server Status </manager/status/all>

Server Information
Tomcat Version JVM Version JVM Vendor OS Name OS Version OS Architecture
Apache Tomcat/5.0.25 1.4.2_02-b03 Sun Microsystems Inc. Linux 2.4.20-020stab009.21.777-enterprise i386


Free memory: 42.25 MB Total memory: 63.31 MB Max memory: 63.31 MB


Max threads: 15 Min spare threads: 5 Max spare threads: 10 Current thread count: 5 Current thread busy: 1
Max processing time: 4 ms Processing time: 0 s Request count: 1 Error count: 0 Bytes received: 0.00 MB Bytes sent: 0.00 MB

Stage   Time    B Sent  B Recv  Client  VHost   Request
*R*     ?       ?       ?       ?       ?       ?
*R*     ?       ?       ?       ?       ?       ?

P: Parse and prepare request S: Service F: Finishing R: Ready K: Keepalive


Max threads: 200 Min spare threads: 4 Max spare threads: 50 Current thread count: 8 Current thread busy: 3

after restarting my tomcat its working fine.

am fasing the problem many times

can anybody kindly help me


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