At 05:22 AM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
Thanks, that goes some way...but not all the way though. A common situation where a dynamic page displays 0....n items with different identifiers. For example, an item list is fetched from database, and page contains delete buttons for items 23, 67, 101 and 128. I do not think you can use this approach to solve that problem. You would have to magically create getDeleteItem23, getDeleteItem67....methods in your class.

I'm surprised that this kind of common problem is not handled internally by the framework, and there is a need to use quite strange workarounds (get - methods that modify state of the form).

You could just read the values of the parameter names for <input type='image' name='button.blah0'>, <input type='image' name='button.blah1'>, ... , <input type='image' name='button.blahN'> then when you sort out a name such that the name begins with "button" you could read the text between the dots, viz., e.g., "blah0" as the command. Since the position of x and y is of no interest to us, I don't know why the struts form is popluated with [form].getButton().getBlah0().setX(Integer x) anyway.

I am looking into this.


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