Erik Weber wrote:

Not sure about the fmt:format tag, but I use the Struts bean:write tag to format my dates:

<bean:write name="event" property="startDate" format="MM/dd/yyyy"/>


Thank you Erik,

I will try bean:write.
But by now I have an other problem. I want a new Date() as a default
value for a html-el:text element. I did:
Date curDate = new Date();
String dateString = curDate.toString();
<c:set var="nowDate" value="${dateString}"/>
<td><bean:message key="someDate.displayname"/>:</td> <td><html:text property="someDate" value="${nowDate}"/></td>

But nothing can be seen in that field.


Wolfgang Woger wrote:

I have a form with a Date:

<html-el:text property="someDate"  disabled="true">
     <fmt:formatDate value="${theBean.someDate}" type="date"/>

The problem: the formated date is not shown at all, it should have
functioned as the value of that input.

what can I do ?


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