Thanks again.

Kris Schneider wrote:

<c:forEach> supports a "varStatus" attribute. The value of that atrribute is a
String that names an instance of javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagStatus. The
LoopTagStatus instance has nested visibility so that it's only available within
the enclosing <c:forEach> tag. LoopTagStatus exposes a number of properties,
but the one you're probably interested in is "index":

 <c:forEach var="bean" varStatus="status" items="${entry.value}">
   <%-- ${status.index} is the current index --%>

Quoting Erik Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

How can I refer to the index of the current iteration with c:forEach (analogous to the indexId attribute to logic:iterate)?


Kris Schneider wrote:

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""; %>

<c:forEach var="entry" items="${map}">
<%-- ${entry.key} is the current key --%>
<%-- ${entry.value} is the associated bean array --%>
<c:forEach var="bean" items="${entry.value}">

Quoting Erik Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I could use some Struts-EL/JSTL tag help, please.

I have a Map with each entry having a String as the key and a bean array as the value.

I need two iterations, one nested inside the other.

For the outer iteration, I want to iterate the keySet of the Map. I don't know what the keys are going to be or how many there will be.

Within that iteration, for each key in the keySet, I need to iterate over the buckets of the array that is the value for that key.

To make this more clear, let's say I will produce a table of tables, somewhat like this:


<!-- start outer iteration here; iterate over the keySet of the Map -->

<!-- Map key #0 -->




<!-- start inner iteration #1 here; iterate over the Object[] that


the value for key #1 in the Map -->

      <!-- Object[bucket #0] -->


        <td><!-- Object[bucket #0].property A --></td>

        <td><!-- Object[bucket #0].property B --></td>


      <!-- end Object[bucket #0] -->

      <!-- Object[bucket #1] -->


        <td><!-- Object[bucket #1].property A --></td>

        <td><!-- Object[bucket #1].property B --></td>


      <!-- end Object[bucket #1] -->




<!-- end Map key #0 -->

<!-- Map key #1 -->




<!-- start inner iteration #2 here; iterate over the Object[] that


the value for key #2 in the Map -->

      <!-- Object[bucket #0] -->


        <td><!-- Object[bucket #0].property A --></td>

        <td><!-- Object[bucket #0].property B --></td>


      <!-- end Object[bucket #0] -->

      <!-- Object[bucket #1] -->


        <td><!-- Object[bucket #1].property A --></td>

        <td><!-- Object[bucket #1].property B --></td>


      <!-- end Object[bucket #1] -->




<!-- end Map key #1 -->

<!-- end outer iteration -->


Could someone show me some skeleton JSTL or Struts-el code?

I would appreciate it very much,

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