In the (name="list")

Here the  "list" should be same as key used during setAttribute

VAN BROECK Jimmy wrote:

> Hmm, i don't think your Passaction code is complete??
> With this code, you would already get an nllpointerexception on the v variable!
> Aren't you missing something?
> Otherwise: try Vector v=new Vector();
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vineesh . kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: woensdag 18 augustus 2004 9:13
> Subject: Accessing collections in jsp
> To pass a range of values i used
> in
>         Vector v=null;
>           v.add("somestring");
>            v.add("someotherstring");
> request.setAttribute("name",v);
> and in the jsp i tried to access it like
>          <logic:iterate id="mylist" name="list">
>   Element Value: <bean:write name="mylist" /><br />
> </logic:iterate>
> but i got an error saying
> javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean list in scope request
> anyone know wat is this problem
>     my struts-config action mapping is
> <action
>                 path="/accountslisting"
>                 type="com.c2rmnet.struts.action.AccountslistAction"
>                 validate="false">
>             <forward name="success" path="/form/AccountListing.jsp" />
>             <forward name="invalidsession" path="/form/InvalidSession.jsp" />
>         </action>
> Thanks
>    vinu
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