HI ,
  Thanks for your reply. But How do  I implement this in my current scenario. 
displaying  records on the screen using a list from session and not using form 
if I use 'indexed="true"' on html:chekbox how do I capture the change?
   HTML generated will look like as below.
   <input type="checkbox" name=list[0].varname value="on" ...
I have  'n' records to display on a page. If I check some records and uncheck some 
previously checked records and submit the page. How do I capture this change in my 
action class?  so that next screen will pick up checked records change.
Your help will be really appreciated.
Take Care,

Bill Siggelkow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You don't want to use multibox ... you need to set 'indexed="true"' on 
the html:checkbox control in the logic:iterate or c:forEach loop that 
displays your list.

Jignesh Kapadia wrote:

> Hi ,
> Thanks for your reply. Let me clarify liitle bit more.
> Screen One
> I am displaying a list of records from a list(which is List of an object). There is 
> a boolean property in the object depending on which the check box should be checked 
> or unchecked. Once the list is displayed. I should have an option to check and 
> uncheck those records. Then I hit submit button
> Screen Two
> On this screen I should see only the records checked on previous page.
> My questions are as follows:
> 1) How do I show the records with some checkboxes checked initially and some boxes 
> not.(I don't know how many records will be there on the page )?
> I can user html:checkbox to do that but then it does not pick up the change when you 
> hit submit button and it goes to next screen.
> 2) Is there any way in html:multibox to show some check boxes checked initially and 
> some boxes not in a list? since it intializes strArray in reset method.
> I hope it helps ,
> let me knoe if you need some more info.
> Thanks,
> Jignesh
> Susan Bradeen wrote:
> Jignesh Kapadia wrote on 08/17/2004 
> 10:14:20 PM:
>>Thanks for your reply. This is a standard way of using 
>>multiple check boxes(i.e.html:multibox). If you read my earlier e-
>>mail the requirement is little bit different.Just explaining in 
>>brief again. say for example I have a list with 10 objects. I am 
>>displaying a list on a page with a check box. the object has a 
>>boolean property . depending on the value of the property the check 
>>box should be checked or unchecked initially.( In case of Multibox 
>>all of them are unchecked initially).
>>Now I can check and uncheck the check boxes my self on that page 
>>and when I submit the page the result should be displayed on the next 
> page.
> Working with checkboxes can be tricky, and there is *a lot* about them in 
> the archives. As you stated below, "On the next screen it should show me 
> the updated records. i.e. records which are unchecked on previous page 
> should be seen as unchecked and records which are checked on previous page 
> should be shown as checked."
> So, what in fact are you seeing on your next page? A partial list of only 
> the ones previously checked? A full list with none of them checked? 
> Something else? Are the values of the boolean property (the checkbox) 
> coming from the database, and are they being displayed properly initially? 
> What is "not working" in your observation?
> A few more hints may better help us to help you ... :)
>>Let me know if anybody has come across this scenario with struts1.1.
>>This is a user requirement and we really don't know how do it. We 
>>tried both using html:checkbox and html:multibox but could not make it 
> work
>>if anybody can give their expert comments then it will be a good help,
>>To use a multibox, you need a getter and setter method in your form-bean
>>that returns/sets a String array.
>>Each element in this String array corresponds to the value of a checked
>>Let's say you have a multibox coded like this:
>>1) myFormBean has a method 'getDataBaseRecords' that returns a 
> collection.
>>2) Each object in the 'getDataBaseRecords' collection has a method
>>'getDescription', which is used to set the value of (and display 
> against)
>>the checkbox.
>>3) myFormBean has methods 'get/setSelectedDataBaseRecords' coded as
>>private String[] selectedDataBaseRecords = new String[0];
>>public String[] getSelectedDataBaseRecords() { return
>>selectedDataBaseRecords; }
>>public void setSelectedDataBaseRecords(String[] value) {
>>selectedDataBaseRecords = value; }
>>The effect of the above will be to generate html as follows:
>>[input] 1]" name=selectedDataBaseRecords>
>>[input] 2]" name=selectedDataBaseRecords>
>>[input] 3]" name=selectedDataBaseRecords>
>>[input] 4]" name=selectedDataBaseRecords>
>>Initially none of the check-boxes are checked because I've coded
>>'getSelectedDataBaseRecords' to return a zero length array.
>>If you were to check the second and third check-boxes and submit the 
> form,
>>'getSelectedDataBaseRecords' would then return an array of 2 elements, 
> with
>>the values '[description 2]' and '[description 3]'.
>>Ph (09) 372-5010
>>| | Jignesh Kapadia |
>>| | | | @yahoo.com> |
>>| | |
>>| | 18/08/2004 12:33 PM |
>>| | Please respond to |
>>| | "Struts Users |
>>| | Mailing List" |
>>| | |
>>| |
>>| cc: |
>>| Subject: multiple checkboxes |
>>Hi ,
>>I have a scenario in our aplication which we are developing with
>>Struts1.1. on first screen we are displaying bunch of records
>>retrieved from database. Each record will have checkbox in first
>>column. This check box wil be initially checked or unchecked
>>depending upon the value of a bean attribute. A user can chsnge this
>>.He/She can check or uncheck any check boxes for any records.On the
>>next screen it should show me the updated records. i.e. records which
>>are unchecked on previous page should be seen as unchecked and
>>records which are checked on previous page should be shown as
>>I tried this using html:multibox tag but it is not working.
>>can somebody give a suggestion on this? It will be good help from your 
> side
>>if you can give your expert feedback ASAP.
>>Jignesh Kapadia
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