Got a problem, no idea what's wrong:
I have defined a violation handler:
<action path="/admin/OrgWorkflowViolation" 
<forward name="success" path=".createOrgDef"/>
the code works fine when I first time click somewhere
outside of the current running workflow. However, when
I click that outside link again, the Violation handler
is not being invoked anymore.

what should I do ?

The handler is veru simple:
if (null != WorkflowUtils.getNextStateViolationAction
(request)) {
        ActionErrors errors=new ActionErrors ();
        errors.add ("violation", new ActionError
        saveErrors (request, errors);
return mapping.findForward ("success");

Is it because the handler goes to a Tiles definition
so the current workflow state is lost ?

How do I go back to the current workflow phase after
handling the violation ?

thanks !

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