I was wondering if someone could help me out with this question:

I know that I can use the logic:iterate tag to loop over an existing collection
in my form bean. However, I want to do the opposite. I want to make
n number of html:textfields and then when the user hits submit, I want to have
the information pulled from those n textfields and used to populate a String array
or ArrayList or some ordered collection. If I put a String[] or ArrayList in my
DynaActionForm, this does not seem to work. I have tried to prepopulate
the String[] or ArrayList with n number of empty Strings and this
still does not work. I am wondering if in fact it might not be possible to automatically
do this. Maybe struts will not pull items from inside an iterate or forEach tag
and populate a list. I need to dynamically lay out the textfields, so I won't know in
advance how many I am placing on that page. This is why I need to put them
within an iterate of forEach tag...

Does anyone know if this is possible?  Its driving me mad!

Thanks in advance,


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