Thanks Tito,

That's the sort of stuff I'm after. The struts/java specific stuff I'm
fine with, it's more the presentation (HTML/CSS) that I need help with.


On 2/06/11 4:55 PM, "tito" <> wrote:

>struts Application Resources,Struts locale .. and UTF-8 encoding is the
>place to start.. also you also have take care of the  RTL ( right to left
>layout in ur web app. this explains the RTL ---->
>Tito Cheriachan
>On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 10:49 AM, Zoran Avtarovski
>> We have a multi-lingual website that we have developed using struts that
>> only uses English and European languages.
>> We'd like to add Arabic to the site and was hoping somebody might have
>> pointers for where to start.
>> Z.

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