Dear all,

I am having a strange problem and was hoping anyone knows why this is

My web app was working correctly and running in development in jetty
running with maven. I'm using Spring's to inject dependencies.

The problem arises when I add a JNDI entry. To do so I:

1) change my container configuration in Maven's pom, so that it sees

2) Configure a new env-entry in the jetty-env.xml:
<Configure id="myApp" class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
        <New class="">
                <Arg><Ref id="myApp"/></Arg>    
                <Arg type="java.lang.String">AAA</Arg>
                <Arg type="boolean">true</Arg>

3) Add a spring bean definition for this JNDI entry:
<jee:jndi-lookup jndi-name="java:comp/env/xoxoGG"
id="currentEnvironment"  />

The outcome of this is that all links are appended with the value of
xoxoGG (AAA), yielding errors like:
There is no Action mapped for action name
AAA/tutorial/randomiseRedirect. -
or trying to reach http://localhost:8080/AAA/welcome!AAA.action#AAA (why
it is appending so many AAA I don't know)

While this is not strictly a problem with struts, perhaps somehow this
configuration is conflicting with Struts. 
Any help is appreciated in trying to understand this problem!


Miguel Almeida

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