Hi Eric,

Are you currently using struts2? If so then open ur jsp and type attribute
"autocomplete" in textfield or form element and see if it supports or not.

It's obviously a browser issue, but my question was how do u solve in
struts2 ?

Please advice me the releavent solution, rather than only assuming some
theory work for in the practicle current situation.


On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 10:12 PM, Eric Lentz <eric.le...@sherwin.com> wrote:

> > More over in my jsp i m not seeing "autocomplete" off attribute even
> when i use normal html "<input type/>" tag.
> Everyone is telling you that it is a browser render / HTML tag issue.
> Logically, it would seem that way as well. The browser is storing the text
> that people type in the field, no? Do you believe it is being stored on
> the server? If so, where? You are dealing with JSPs and what they render
> -> HTML, and then what the browser does with same. The implied feature you
> strive for is not in Struts, AFAIK.
> This is how I have solved the same problem in the past (2007). I was using
> Struts 1, but that doesn't matter. I would solve it the same way if I was
> using ASP.NET or any other such framework.
> http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/5642
> Only thing is that today, I'd use jQuery:
> http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Autocomplete
> You've now seen links to documents that detail what to do in HTML both at
> form and field level. You've now also seen the same done from JavaScript.
> The age of the links is not relevant. That just means it is more likely to
> work with older browsers, which is a good thing. I also saw a document
> indicating that it was to be a standard in HTML 5. I don't know if it is
> or not.
> Now, have you tried any of the suggestions? They should all work AFAIK.

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