In attached in jira test-project (StrutsBugTest.war) index.html contains
<a href="test.action">click</a>

Action mapping file contains:
<!DOCTYPE struts PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts
Configuration 2.0//EN" "";>
<package name="actions" extends="struts-default">
<action name="test" method="test" class="sviborg.TestAction">
<result name="success">/test.jsp</result>

Result is the same - strange.

May be we talking about different things. I think I do not understand you

1 июля 2011 г. 19:27 пользователь Maurizio Cucchiara <> написал:

> As I said before, don't call jsp directly via browser: rather you need to
> invoke a struts action that, after looked at your action mapping
> configuration, forward the request to your final jsp
> Maurizio Cucchiara
> Il giorno 01/lug/2011 16.30, "Александр Высоков" <> ha
> scritto:
> > I've created test project (attached StrutsBugTest.war) in jira. In that
> > project you can click to the link in index.html and see the same strange
> > behavior.
> >
> > 1 июля 2011 г. 17:28 пользователь Dave Newton <
> >написал:
> >
> >> Unless the JSP is processed through an action, the original comment in
> the
> >> jira ticket is correct.
> >>
> >> Recall that a filter can stop processing a request, which is what
> happens
> >> if
> >> it's not a request that hits an action.
> >>
> >> Dave
> >> On Jul 1, 2011 8:59 AM, "Александр Высоков" <> wrote:
> >> > Hello all.
> >> >
> >> > I have two files.
> >> >
> >> > test.jsp
> >> > --------
> >> > <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
> >> > pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
> >> > <%@ taglib uri="/struts-tags" prefix="s" %>
> >> > <s:set name="depId" value="1" scope="page"/>
> >> > <s:a id="%{#attr.depId}"
> >> > href="javascript:some-javascript-method('%{#attr.depId}')">
> >> > <s:include value="test2.jsp"/>
> >> > </s:a>
> >> >
> >> > test2.jsp
> >> > ---------
> >> > <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
> >> > pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
> >> > <%@ taglib uri="/struts-tags" prefix="s" %>
> >> > <s:set name="test" value="1" scope="page"/>
> >> > 1
> >> >
> >> > The result of call http://localhost:8080/myapp/test.jsp is:
> >> > <a id="1" href="javascript:some-javascript-method('')">1</a>
> >> >
> >> > as we can see, second evaluation of %{#attr.depId} is missing (must be
> >> > javascript:some-javascript-method('1')). I cannot understand why it
> >> > happens.
> >> > But when I remove line <s:set name="test" value="1" scope="page"/>
> from
> >> > test2.jsp file and call again I receive correct result:
> >> > <a id="1" href="javascript:some-javascript-method('1')">1</a>
> >> >
> >> > Is this a bug or I do not understand something in Struts2?
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > С уважением, Александр.

С уважением, Александр.

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