assuming you are refactoring one of the webapp configuration files
you can deploy the refactored webapp to a container which supports 'hot-deploy'

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> To:
> Subject: Struts2 Development Quick Turnaround
> From:
> Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 10:59:23 -0500
> Hello,
> I'm look for a solution that will allow me to make significant changes to 
> action classes (change method signatures, add new methods etc.) but not 
> have to redploy the application.
> I was curious if anyone is using anything other than jrebel or 
> hotswap(running in debug mode, very limited)
> I wasn't sure if there was anything specifically for struts2. I also 
> noticed that while running in devMode=true that struts is not picking up 
> the changes I make to action mappings.
> Changing a resource bundle or jsp works fine.
> Thanks.
> Mitch 

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