I'm working on a login module, wich because of
JBoss/Tomcat way of handling JAAS it has some
redirections on the way.

I built an action the does some stuff for me and then
returns an ordinary forward. I decided to set
redirect="true" in this forwared just to make sure
that the user sees the correct page on the browser's
url input (in my specific case, i don't have reasons
to send a forwared instead of redirect, if i should do
i forward or a redirect doesn't matter very much at
the moment). Keeping in mind that this is part of the
login, i really would like for the to see the
index.jsp (wich is the one i send the forward to)
rather than some other page that he/she requested.
As we all know, if i use redirect="false" (the default
otpion) the user would see some other page name in the
address bar of the browser, and not index.jsp.

But, when i try to make the login, here's what i got
from Mozilla Firefox.

"Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to
load the requested page. This maybe caused by cookies
that are blocked."

In Internet Explorer the request just doesn't

Naturally, if i take out the redirect="true",
everything works fine. I know that when we use
redirect="true" it's necessary a reconnection between
the browser and the application, but why exactly i
would get these errors for using more than one
redirect in a single request.

It's not possible for me to know exactly how many
redirections are going on, because Tomcat that really
handles this request by itself. However i'd guess that
they are two by default. After i added my own redirect
for one of my actions (as i described) they become

Any comments on that???

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