
I have a weird situation going on with the parameter of a url tag. The
problem is that i have the following code

<s:if test="%{object.foto != null && object.foto.id > 0}">

<s:url value="servlets/fileServlet" id="image">

<s:param name="fileId" value="object.file.id"/>

<td align="right"><b><s:text name="propiedad.imagen"/>:</b></td>
<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
<td><img src="<s:property value="#image"/>" height="128px" width="128px"


<td align="right"><b><s:text name="propiedad.imagen" />:</b></td>
<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
<td><s:file name="imagen"/></td>


And  no matter what i do the name of the parameter is always "objectId"
instead of whatever i put in the name field of the param tag. I find this
extremely confusing, does anyone had a similar problem?

thanks in advance!


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