
People have been telling me that ActionForm should not be dependent on
your TO. Simple because actionForm is for presentation and TO for your
business requirement. Sounds logical and right way to go.

Now that I started developing using struts, it is actually not that

Say I retrieve a TO from database and convert it into a actionForm for
display. In this case I have 4 fields for my actionForm but 10 in my TO.
(6 are not needed for display). A user updates the 4 fields and the
action convert those into TO. In this case, the other 6 fields will be
reset to null(or empty) in my database!

To prevent this, I actually need to use hidden fields in my JSP or some
other ugly solutions in my Action class. They are still dependent on
each others afterall.

Is there a solution to this or I am missing something here?


Sebastian Ho

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