I found following work around.

   <s:date name="createTimestmp" var="createTSFmt" 
   <s:hidden name="createTimestmp" value="%{createTSFmt}" />

where timeStampFormat is MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a.SSS

With above, it retains hour, minutes and seconds, but drops milliseconds.

Any other suggestions, please let me know.

Sorry can't attach source JSP, because of client restrictions.

To recreate:
But one can create a model with java.util.Date and set is as hidden field on JSP

Populate some date/time before its presented to the user.

Submit form with fail validation.

So now when we come back to same view/page, the time components is missing in 
hidden field.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Dave Newton" [davelnew...@gmail.com]
Date: 06/06/2012 12:27 PM
To: "Struts Developers List" <d...@struts.apache.org>
CC: user@struts.apache.org
Subject: Re: Struts 2 losing timestamp in java.util.Date when validation failed

And the JSP?

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 12:18 PM, s <srrem...@excite.com> wrote:

> I have a form with java.util.Date (createTimestmp) and it has both date &
> time.
> createTimestmp is an hidden field on the form. When I fetch record from
> database it has "5/17/12 12:58:33 PM.688" as value.
> If I change something on the form and if validation is GOOD, then
> creatTimestmp value is retained to the original value. That is, its still
> "5/17/12 12:58:33 PM.688".
> But if the validation fails, and user goes to input form again, then
> createTimestmp value changes to "5/17/12". The timestamp is missing.
> Looks like a bug to me in struts 2.
> Why is struts 2 dropping timestamp on INPUT result...?
> Can someone please help.
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