Lets say I have the following files in my app:

- app-DEV.properties
- app-PROD.properties
- app-TEST.properties

I use Spring's <jee:jndi-lookup> and PropertyPlaceholderconfigurer (see
[1]) to achieve a multi-environment setup. All files are in the
classpath, but because on each environment I set the capitalized part
differently (eg: IDE has an environment variable defined to DEV, while
the production container has it set to PROD) only one file is loaded,
setting up Spring configuration correctly.

Enter Struts: I wanted to take advantage of these existing properties
further to the UI level.
1) have a jsp with <s:text name="app.client"/>
2) have in your struts.properties the entry
3) if you have app.client on the file app-DEV.properties, set to FOO,
you'll see it on the web page

Question: Having multiple environments files, what I really need is
struts.custom.i18n.resources=environments/app-${envName}. Can one have
this, so only the file that makes sense for that environment is loaded?

[1] https://gist.github.com/2948672


Miguel Almeida

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