I mean when form data are invalid, user get the message on top of the form but all data in filed get lost. It shows blank form with error message. i want to show previously entered data so that user can correct only invalid field.

On 7/31/2012 3:09 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:
could you define your intentions..?

when form validation fails you want to save the data?
what happens when form validation succeeds..do you invalidate the session?

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> Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 12:09:07 -0400
> From: anji...@hotmail.com
> To: user@struts.apache.org
> Subject: Form data lost [S 1.3.8]
> Hi All,
> I am using large form to input data. I have some validation code as well > as I have condition where if something goes wrong in execution of action
> it will take the user back to the form.
> My problem is when validation fail or form returned from action
> execution all my form data are lost. How can I have form retain its data
> even after fail?
> I am using struts tag for form and session scope for form.
> <html:form styleId="createAgentForm" action="createAgent"
> focus="agentVersion">
> <label for="agentVersion" class="formLabel"><bean:message
> key="label.agentVersion" />*</label>
> <html:text property="agentVersion" size="10"
> styleId="agentVersion" tabindex="1" titleKey="title.agentVersion"
> value="" />
> <br />
> ........
> <html:submit styleClass="submitbutton" tabindex="11"
> value="Create Agent" title="Create Agent" />
> </html:form>
> <action path="/createAgent"
> type="com.anjib.actions.agencyadmin.CreateAgentAction"
> input="/showCreateAgent.do"
> name="CreateAgentForm"
> scope="session" >
> <forward name="createAgentForm" path="/showCreateAgent.do"/>
> </action>
> <action path="/showCreateAgent"
> type="com.anjib.actions.agencyadmin.ShowCreateAgentAction">
> <forward name="success" path="createAgentPage"/>
> </action>
> public class CreateAgentForm extends org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm {
> ..............................
> public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,
> HttpServletRequest request) {
> ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
> if (getAgentName() == null || getAgentName().length() < 1) {
> errors.add("createAgent", new
> ActionMessage("error.agentName.required"));
> }
> .................................................
> return errors;
> }
> }
> Thanks,
> Anjib
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