Hello Bruce.  Thanks for writing, and thanks for trying Struts2Builder.

> It worked well generating a complete Struts 2 CRUD web application.  I
used on
> Mac OS 10.8.1 and with MySQL.

That's good to hear.  I am glad you got it working on Mac.  I have not
tested it there, and I haven't heard of anyone else doing so either.
 There's little reason to think it wouldn't work on OSX, since OSX is
basically BSD Unix, but I'm glad for the confirmation.

> One change I would recommend is that in the dependencies you instruct the
> user to add to pom.xml I think you've got an old version number for the
> spring-aop.
That could be.  I am not using all the capabilities of Spring; just the
dependency injection.  That hasn't changed very much in quite a while, if I
am not mistaken.

> Also why cannot the maven compiler settings be set to generate Java 1.6
> instead of Java 1.5?

They certainly could be.  When Maven generates the starter app, it
generates it at 1.5.  I think if you change the Maven compiler settings to
1.6, that would work.  I just didn't see a reason to do so, since EE 1.5 is
still prevalent in the world.

> Lastly, is it possible in this version to only use some of the columns in a
> table for generating the Java classes?  I sometimes need to use existing
> tables that have dozens of columns but I only need a few of those columns
> to
> create/populate the state of my Java object (just to read from the table -
> there is no update/create back to the table)?

The checkbox on each individual column is to tell Struts2Builder whether to
include that column in the List application.  All columns are used in
creating the Java class.  I did think of this during the initial design
phase, but I thought it was better to include all columns.  It doesn't hurt
anything to include them, and it reduces the possibility of errors.  For
instance, Struts2Builder allows one to add records, and an add must contain
all the not-null columns.  If you leave out a not-null column, the add will
fail.  What if someone decides not to include a not-null column?  Do I
force that not-null column to be included, even though the person has
specified otherwise?  Do I obediently ignore that not-null column, knowing
that adding a row will necessarily fail?  What about the "display" screen?
 I am showing a display of all columns in the row.  Ignoring columns would
mean the display would not (and cannot) show those columns.  So based on
that, I decided early on in the project that I would include all columns in
the domain class.  Remember, this is intended to serve as the "bones" of a
working Struts app, not the final product.  And as an aside, in most of the
cases where I have said "I'm not going to need that data",  I usually end
up needing it.


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