Can you share the interceptor stack configuration for your normal JSP's and
the stack configuration for the json actions?

On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 5:37 AM, Jan Fröhlich <>wrote:

> Hi...
> I try to secure one of my web applications with tokens.
> Everything works fine with basic jsp pages. But in one case, I call an
> action from javascript via jquery.ajax and return a json result.
> To do that, I added two properties to the json result object
> (documenTable) with token and tokenName and populate them in the action with
> documentTable.setTokenName(TokenHelper.getTokenName());
> documentTable.setToken(TokenHelper.getToken());
> The Javascript that gets the result object (data) looks like this:
> var submitData = {
>     documentID : documentRow.documentID,
>     showMessage : true
> };
> submitData[data.tokenName] = data.token;
> tdName.bind("click", function() {
>     $.ajax({
>     url : "view",
>     type: 'POST',
>     data : submitData,
>     success : function() {
>         ...
>     }
> });
> When the click event is fired, the parameters and
> struts.token are submitted with the request but the action returns
> invalid.token.
> Is that a way I can go? Is the TokenHelper the right thing to get a new
> valid token from?
> Any hints welcome!
> Regards
> Jan

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