> > But what do you think needs to match the jar file?  I mean,
> struts2-core.jar doesn't contain xwork-1.1.1.dtd, but the xwork jar does .
> . . so why wouldn't it find it if it was just taking the xwork-1.1.1.dtd
> and checking the classpath.
> When XWork was moved to ASF, we changed all the DOCTYPEs, the correct one
> is:
>    <!DOCTYPE xwork PUBLIC
>                 "-//Apache Struts//XWork 1.0//EN"
>                 "http://struts.apache.org/dtds/xwork-1.1.1.dtd";>
> You can find all the DTDs here [1], basically all these DTDs are part
> of distribution, so Struts 2 can read them from jars and don't have to
> look over the internet. In your case, the DOCTYPE is not available
> locally and Struts 2 is trying to fetch it from internet.
> [1] http://struts.apache.org/dtds/

Thanks Lukasz.  This is very useful information. I think this clearly fixes
my problem, but I still have some questions.

1) when was xwork moved to ASF?

2) It's not really Struts 2 doing the look up right?  It's the sax parser?
 Is Struts2 using the EntityResolver to add the resolution logic that
converts the DOCTYPE tag to a classpath resource lookup?  If you don't know
of the top of your head, I plan to dive into the code myself anyhow.

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