Hi Everyone,

I am new to Struts2. I am creating a basic page where user can see login credentials for few accounts (any type like Email, FB etc.) and if one of them is not present then add them. Each account has a list of properties with a name and a string value (keeping it simple).

Now in my S2 application, I have an AccountList action which gets all accounts and puts them in my user session. If an account is not added then it has a skeleton flag set. If this flag is set then I want to set properties of that account and add it to the system. I have created AddAccountAction for that.

Here's how my accountList.jsp looks like.

    <div class="accountList">
        <h4>Account AAA</h4>
        <s:set name="acct" value="#session.accounts.get('aaa')" />
        <div class="one half account padded">
                <s:iterator value="#acct.properties">
                        <s:property value="name" />: <s:property value="value" 
default="[not_set]" />
<s:form id="change_aaa_form" namespace="settings" action="addAccount" style="display:none;">
                    <s:hidden name="acctId" value="aaa" />
<s:textfield label="%{'user.token'}" name="#session.accounts['aaa'].properties[0].value" ></s:textfield> <s:textfield label="%{'user.secret'}" name="#session.accounts['aaa'].properties[1].value" ></s:textfield>
                    <s:submit key="Submit" />

My, AccountList action method looks like this

    public String execute() throws Exception {
        Map<String, Account> accts = AccountUtils.getInstance( getStore() 
        getSession().put( "accounts", accts );
        return SUCCESS;

My Account class is a simple bean with a list of AccountProperty beans (with 
setters and getters).

    private String id;
    private String name;
    private List<AccountProperty> properties;
    private boolean isSkeleton;

    private String name;
    private String value;
    private boolean isPassword;

The AddAccountAction looks like this.

    public String execute() {
        Map<String, Account> accts = (Map<String, Account>) getSession().get( 
"accounts" );
        Account a = accts.get( getAcctId() );
        if ( a == null )
            return ERROR;
        for ( AccountProperty p : a.getProperties()) {
            System.out.println( p );
        return SUCCESS;

My problem is that I cannot get the form to store the properties in my AddAccountAction. I keep getting following warning on console.

2013-03-19 14:33:25,683 [http-8080-2] WARN com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.ParametersInterceptor - Parameter [#session.accounts['aaa'].properties[0].value] didn't match acceptedPattern pattern! 2013-03-19 14:33:25,704 [http-8080-2] ERROR com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.ParametersInterceptor - Developer Notification (set struts.devMode to false to disable this message): Unexpected Exception caught setting 'Submit' on 'class net.semandex.salsa.web.prm.AddAccountAction: Error setting expression 'Submit' with value ['Submit', ]

I searched for this problem. I read [1] and [2] but somehow it is not working for me. I have also tried to create an empty Account with empty property list in my AddAcountAction class and tried

<s:textfield name="account.properties[0].value"

But I get the same error as above. I really want to keep my Account and AccountProperty classes generic like this. Most of the S2 examples that I saw are talking about using specific property names like "person.name" with associated methods like getPerson().getName()


Thanks in advance,

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