Use Filter

On 3/22/2013 7:36 PM, J.V. wrote:
Does anyone out there have a method I could use to pass a form field variable that would check for all known SQL injection vulnerabilities (with regards to the form field only, irrespective of the method of SQL execution) and return a true/false if it passes the test?

I have about 100+ forms ( 500+ fields) to validate for SQL injection vulnerabilities and was thinking of creating an class and putting the validate method there and calling that in each of the classes validate() method.

I thought initially it would be better to move everything over to use Apache commons validator, create a global rule and simply apply the global rule to every form field but it may be better to take this approach.

Any thoughts on the approach or a validator classs to pattern match the field would be helpful (if you have had such a case in the past).



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